What is KIDabra?
KIDabra is literally and figuratively a place for children's performers to grow, network and prosper.
The philosophy of KIDabra is that we continually examine our performing careers as if we were holding a diamond and turning it to reveal new facets to be explored, studied and documented.
Our goal is to continue to raise the bar of family entertainment knowing that children's and family performers are the backbone of the profession. Some heady ideals indeed, and we're doing it with your help!
Most Importantly, twice a year in August and January come join with us for the amazing week that is KIDabra: The Conference and KAX! We look forward to seeing you!
Who is KIDabra/KAX for?
If you perform for kids and families at Birthday Parties, Daycare & Preschools, Schools, Libraries, Churches, Picnics, Festivals, Holiday Events, Blue and Gold Scout Banquets, Family restaurants and more, then it is pretty easy to say that KIDabra is perfect for you.
Do I need to be a member of KIDabra to attend?
No, KIDabra and KAX Conferences are open to all to attend.
What is the Code of Conduct for KIDabra International Events?
I pledge to promote and participate in the art and advancement of children's and family entertainment in a positive way. I will respect and protect the intellectual property of my fellow performers. I will never intentionally nor maliciously bring harm to the children I perform for. (Sexual predators are not welcome or tolerated.)
I perform/work full time and it's hard for me to justify taking the time and expense to attend the conference, what should I do?
This is probably the question asked most.
Ken Scott says "I tell people that cannot afford to go because they will miss shows, that they cannot afford NOT to come."
Mike Bent says "I'd attend even if it was 2 weeks before Christmas because what I learn there is invaluable".
Now why in the world would 2 top pros say that? Because that's what every successful performer says who attends KIDabra Conference. They X out the calendar that week knowing that the resources, networking, education and inspiration sets the pace of their professional work for the year.
(Top Secret about to be tipped: If you're in demand, easy to work with, and tactful your clients are happy to schedule around your week of career enrichment. They themselves are often made to go to mandatory conferences with their own work, so they understand and appreciate your need for continuing professional education. They just don't understand that you really want to go to the seminars, all of them, because you love it.
Attending KIDabra is about making a personal decision as to whether you and your audiences deserve the best you can be as a performer. And whether they deserve the best show you can offer. And yes you will have a great time there "sharpening your saw!"
KIDabra Conference year to year has an interesting mix of regular staff along with new lecturers, why is that?
The KIDabra Staff is a remarkable convergence of many of the top KIDshow performers in the world.
They are out entertaining, performing, writing, creating and most importantly thinking about their chosen field on a daily basis. They are people that constantly raise the bar for themselves and others.
You'll see a very stable base of lecturing staff yearly at KIDabra conference, because it is foremost a teaching conference. At many conventions you are allowed to spend one hour at a lecture with a great teacher every few years. We believe that is an injustice with terific teachers. You should be able to spend quality time with them to learn properly. To illustrate that point, Duane Laflin is prepared 19 lectures for KIDabra. All of them were unique talks, premiering at KIDabra and often a onetime presentation of those lectures. This is true for all of our lecture staff. No one may repeat, they are asked to present something new, original or different each year which explore the facets and dynamics of performing. This creates an exciting atmosphere of teaching and education that we strive for. We have this in common with Jeff McBride's Mystery School where Jeff also has a stable group of teacher/gurus with similar philosophy.
As it is the holy grail of human nature to constantly thirst for the new, we've got that covered as well. The conference roster has a goodly percentage of fresh names each year, appearing for the first time. And if they resonate positively with the group they will be invited back, perhaps themselves becoming Senior staff in the future.
All of these folks enable an amazing exchange of ideas, largely without ego (we are performers after, all:>) that will help to inspire the student in all of us.