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Contacting Us - Any time you need assistance please contact Tami directly at tamidaniel@kidabra.org or 336-492-7870 or email her at TamiDaniel@kidabra.org
Change of Address/Change of Email
If you move, please tell us! If any part of your address changes, please tell us at kidabraconf@aol.com Also keep your email address up to date with us for your KIDabra Journal Delivery, breaking news, member reminders, etc! Thanks!
Stay in Touch on Facebook
KI is on Facebook as KIDabra International Members and Friends. And also on Twitter @kidabraconf
Optional Liability Insurance
Optional Liability Insurance is now offered by 2 companies. Info here.
Back Issues of the Journal
Folks ask us frequently if back issues of the Journal hard copies are available? The answer is yes some issues are and all are in very limited copies. Since we've gone digital those copies are available by download. All are $8.00 each. The issues of the Yearbook are available for $20.00 each.
Important KIDabra International Member Info