Come Early, Stay After
The Chattanooga Area is filled with a stunning array of Attractions!
Optional Pre/Post
Amazing Stuff To Do!
Enjoy This 2023 Schedule for Now
and Mark Your Calendar for KIDabra 2024, August 14-17
Chattanooga, TN
Then Stay Tuned and Watch the Puzzle Pieces unfold
on a living breathing piece of Art: KIDabra 2024
Times are Eastern US
Welcome to a special place! A place to be Inspired, Challenged, and Motivated. Welcome to KIDabra!
At the Conference, you'll meet the New as well as Foundational Voices of KIDabra and The KIDshow World!
Different from most conventions, at KIDabra Conference our speakers are asked to bring a new, fresh,
original talk each time they appear, as we explore performance and creating great shows from every angle.
This approach helps make each of our KIDabra gatherings, a unique, handmade,
once in a lifetime "Happening" Just for You!

Wednesday August 16, 2023 Optional ShowSkills Workshops

Registration Opens 8:30 AM
Optional Pre-Conference Event
ShowSkills: The KIDabra How To Workshops
ShowSkills are a remarkable series of Workshops that harken back to the beloved KIDabra Breakouts. Designed for you to experience them all in depth, one at a time! Come be inspired, motivated, and enlightened to the possibilities of our performing/show world.
Be sure and add this Optional Workshop Event to your Registration.
9:00 AM
Greg Britt
Magic That Works

The Recipe That Connects Tricks with Your Message

10:30 AM
Cris Johnson

Lunch Choices Available all around the hotel.
2:00 PM
Jim Vagias
The Right Direction
A Workshop with Theatrical Director Jim Vagias
In performance a small change, a word, inflection, move, etc. can make a fundamental difference in how an audience responds, and turn a good performance into an unforgettable one!
These changes coached by a director are a routine practice in the world of theater; no actor would dream of getting front of an audience without it. And now we bring this invaluable tool to our KIDshow performance world!
Three participants will be selected to show a video excerpt of their performance and have Jim give in-depth feedback of what works, what needs some honing, and give concrete suggestions that can result in immediate improvement. Some performers might be invited to repeat the routine "live" to allow a more in-depth analysis. As with any hands-on workshop of this nature, the coaching helps all present.
Jim Vagias is one of us, a full-time school and library performer who has been involved in the theater, film and television industry since 1983 as a performer, director and producer. Jim is thoughtful, kind and insightful and has already done this for folks you may know like Julian Franklin, Tommy Johns, Steve Sommers and Rich Bloch.

Jim was the producer of the World Premiere production of the musical “I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change”, the second longest running off Broadway production in history, which has been performed on six continents and translated into 17 languages.
A professional magician for over 50 years, Jim loves helping other performers hone their presentation skills and raise their performances to the highest possible professional level. The greatest actors in the world continue to seek the services of directors to improve their performance. Now you can as well.Register for Showskills and contact Jim to have your performance reviewed at the workshop at educationalproductions@comcast.net
3:30 PM
Chris Weed

Wednesday Evening, August 16: KIDabra Conference Begins
Live, In-Person, and Virtual!
5:00 PM
Registration Opens

7:00 PM
The Special Welcome Ceremony
with Mark Daniel & Ken Scott
and then:
The Famous Kid Show Magic Auction Auctioneered by Gary Shelton
& Tim Pressley
Our legendary auction with tons of great buys! (You must be registered for the convention to participate as a buyer or a seller.)
Auction info and guidelines here.
Thursday, August 17
9:30 AM Welcome to KIDabra International Conference.
Registration Opens
Dealers Open

9:30 AM
KIDabra Dealers Open for The First Time

10:00 AM
Barry Mitchell
A Wearer of Many Hats

11:00 AM
Greg Britt
You've Got The Power!
Inspiring routines from Greg’s Number 1 School Show.
Plus, how to form an important connection with your audience and your school.
Lunch in The Embassy Suites Breakfast Area, Courtesy of Foam Daddy, and prepared by Ruth's Chris for all Registered Attendees of KIDabra.
2:00 PM
David Ginn
The Lecture from The New Book
'Children Love Animals"

3:30 PM
Maga Gaia
Adapting Classics of Magic to Your Show

5:30 PM
Thursday Evening, August 16
7:00 PM
Christopher T. Magician
Beyond The Beyond: The Lecture and Long Awaited Book Premiere!

9:00 PM
The Dealers Show
followed by Visiting and Shopping in The Dealers Room!

The Legendary Late Night Balloon Jam

Friday, August 18
9:00 AM KIDabra International Conference Continues:
Registration Opens
Dealers Open
Networking Time

Your Host for the Day is Joe Selph
9:30 AM
Niels Duinker
Easy Juggling for KIDShows
Niels teaches tricks, bits, and routines, perfect for your show, and easy to laern too!

10:30 AM
Gene Cordova
Making Your Puppet Come To Life

Walk to Lunch Choices in the Neighborhood
2:00 PM
PeeWee Morales
The Bubble Show and Lecture

3:30 pm
Dean Carnegie
Carnegie's KIDshow Conjuring

5:30 PM
Friday Evening, August 18
An Evening with KGB
7:00 PM
The KIDShow Guru Braintrust Sessions Revealed
A Legendary Group of 12-15 Pro Performers met annually for years, somewhere in the world to share, perform, and network as the KIDShow Guru Braintrust. Created by David Kaye and Bruce Bray.
With many KGB in attendance this year, Friday Evening, Ken Scott leads a panel on the why, history, and the mission of KGB followed by Feature Lectures from David Kaye and Jozo Bozo

10:30 PM
Foam Jam
with Chris and Cesar

Saturday, August 19
9:00 AM KIDabra International Conference
Registration and Dealer's Opens
Networking Time
Your Host for the Day is Joe Selph
8:00 AM
Santa Morning Jam!
Calling all Santas, Mrs. Claus" and Elves
for a post breakfast visit.
Hosted by Santa Tate
Photo by Michael Messing

Mago Mai

KID Talks

Walk to Lunch Choices in the Neighborhood
Ken Scott

KIDabra Dealers Open for Final Shoping after Ken's Lecture

Dinner out and about, but hurry back for The Gala :)
8:00 PM
The KIDabra Gala Show
Tickets available at The Registration Table and the door for friends and family. You're Registration Name badge is your ticket.
Starring an International Roster of KIDabra Stars!