About KIDabra
KIDabra International is a place for KIDshow and family performers to grow, learn, network and prosper!
Interestingly the Association which launched in August 2005, grew out of the remarkable KIDabra conference which began in 1992 as The International Festival of Children's Magicians. Our mission with this Association is to carry on the inspiration, enthusiasm and education of KIDabra throughout the year.
Often called the professional performer's association and conference, you will not find tons of politics here. You will find an intermediate to advanced focus on our performing arts, businesses and careers. Whether you are a full time pro, busy part-timer or new to performing, you'll find a network of people just like you that exists no where else.
KIDabra International is an extraordinary group of folks headed by Mark and Tami Daniel, dedicated to setting and raising the bar on Family Entertainment. Many of the world's top KIDshow performers roll up their sleeves on a daily basis to make this remarkable project/association and conference happen. We are first and foremost a group focused on the art of performance. Now the call goes out for you to participate on a local, national and international level to the common goal of offering the best performance possible for our young audiences.
Should you be a part?
- Yes, if you believe in the ideals laid out here.
- Yes, if you believe your audiences deserve the best you can offer.
- Yes, if you want to help set the bar of performance.
- Yes, if you want the best tools of our artform available.
We at KIDabra International invite you to be a part of this incredible group. Enjoy the benefits, and as you become a part of the family, we're excited to discover your talents and welcome your contribution (expertise, time, enthusiasm, etc..) to the amazing place that is KIDabra!
- Join Today! KIDabra International Membership
- To learn more about our: Core Values and Beliefs (See Below)
- Visit our archives to read the speech that launched the association: Historical Speech
Code of Conduct: KIDabra Core Values and Beliefs
Code of Conduct: KIDabra Core Values and Beliefs
These are KIDabra's guiding principles and tenets, and philosophy:
1. We believe that Family and KIDshow Entertainment should be accorded the dignity and respect deserved by all performing arts.
2. We believe that Family and KIDshow Entertainment as an art requires thoughtful study and practice with attention to both technique and performance.
3. We believe that Family and KIDshow Entertainment can and should enrich the lives of both performers and their audiences through education and entertainment.
4. We recognize and grant equal respect to:
- Magicians, Clowns, Ventriloquists, Puppeteers, Balloonists, Collectors and Historians, Inventors, Manufacturers, and Dealers.
5. We actively seek representation in our membership of all groups of people who agree to uphold the purpose and objectives of our KIDabra Principals.
6. We believe that the history and traditions of KIDabra should be an integral part of our organization.
7. We are opposed to the exposure of Magic secrets whether by purposeful acts or through careless or ill-prepared performance.
8. We are opposed to the piracy of personal entertainment routine creations.
9. We believe that Family and KIDshow Entertainment can and should contribute to those in need through charitable and/or therapeutic performances when possible.
10. We believe in the joy of entertaining children of all ages.
11. We will never intentionally nor maliciously bring harm to the children we perform for.
KIDabra Purpose
Growing out of KIDabra core values, our purpose is the fundamental reason for KIDabra's existence. It is like a guiding star, always worked towards but never fully attained. The following is a summary of KIDabra's purpose:
The purpose of KIDabra shall be to advance, elevate, and preserve children entertainment through magic, clowning, puppets, and theater as a performing art, to promote harmonious fellowship throughout the world of entertaining children and their families and to maintain and improve ethical standards in the field of Family and KIDshow entertainment.
KIDabra Mission
To help Family and KIDshow Performers elevate the artform by:
- Being the organization to which professional and amateur Family and KIDshow entertainers want to belong.
- The admiration and respect accorded to us by all those interested in entertaining children and families.
- Worldwide recognition for its good works in the field of magic, clowning, puppets, and theater as a performing art, with the primary focus of performance.
To achieve KIDabra representation in every major population area.
To change the nature of communications to reflect the increased opportunities made possible through expanding technology.
To define, maintain, and preserve a continuity of operations.
To hold an annual KIDabra Conference to promote new ideas, entertaining routines, and marketing skills, with a primary focus on Family and KIDshow entertainment.
- Provide a place for members to meet the special needs of folks who perform for kids and families?
- Provide a place to motivate, educate and point members in the right direction to elevate their art and craft.
- Provide a place that helps provide members with resources to build successful performance careers.
- Provide a place for members to see the latest in education, resources, and performances focused on kids and family entertainment.

Your Journal Columnists and Editors in attendance at the 2012 Conference:
(Left to right) Tami Daniel, John Bobik, Skip Way, Todd McKinney, Tate Elliott, Jim Kleefeld, Mark Daniel, and Ken Scott