Stay Tuned: The Amazing KAX 8 Schedule
Coming Soon!

KAX Schedule
Keep you eyes peeled here and right up to conference time as Surprises Unfold, Jaws drop, and the Puzzle Pieces come together on a living breathing piece of Art called KAX!
You're Invited to Join Us for
An Incredible Adventure
of Serious Study, Amazing Fun, and Lifelong Friends!
We Can't Wait to Welcome You to KAX!
Listed Times are Eastern US, Please adjust accordingly for your time zone.
Wednesday February 3, Evening: KAX Conference Begins:
Wecome Ceremonies and A Very Special Event
8:00 PM EST US
KAX Opening Ceremonies and Welcome
A Special Event with Christopher T. Magician
and friends.
Then, Eric the Sheep presents
Steve Petra!

Thursday February 4: KAX Conference
Listed Times are Eastern US,
Please adjust accordingly for your time zone.
Your day host is Joe Selph

Puppeteer, Magician, Marionettest and Interviewer Supreme.
Joe lives in Glendale, CA, and hailing from TN, he was personally recruited by Jim Henson as a Muppet Puppeteer.
He puppeteered on The Flintstones Movie, two of The Men in Black Movies, and was a Miss Piggy puppeteer on Muppet Vision 3-D.
A Man of many talents he was on the development team of the worldwide sensation of the toy, Furby.
Many of you know him as The Maestro Rene's performing partner for 10 years.
11:30 AM EST US
Christopher T. Magician
A Show For All Seasons 2.0
All new material and ideas for adapting magic for themed shows. This is also the official launch of the book that debuted as lecture notes at KIDabra a few years ago, now updated to include full routines!

Barry Mitchell
It's A Reading Thing!

2:30 PM EST US
Buster Balloon
You Asked For It!

4:00 PM EST US
A Visit into the Genius
of David Strassman

Thursday February 4: KAX Conference Thursday Evening hosted by Mark Daniel
6:00 PM EST US
A Special Inside Axtell with
Special Guest Nina Conti

8:00 PM EST US
Vendors Show and Fun!
Followed by the opening of The KAX Vendors Room

10:30 PM EST US
The Balloon Jam Wow!
Hosted by Annie Banannie

Friday February 5: KAX Conference Continues
Your host for the day is Joe Selph

11:30 AM EST US Chris Weed
New directions and ideas for expanding your Family Entetainment Business

1:00 PM EST US
So a ventriloquist, a comedy magician, a KIDshow performer, and a Professor of Comedy sounds like the setup for a joke.
In truth, four dear friends come together to chat about our directions going forward. Join the incredible Kimmo, Gary Dunn, Ken Scott and Mike Bent for Time Well Spent, and a lot of fun too!

2:30 PM EST US Wacko

Wacko Medellin Exuberant, likable, and a terrific performer, he has the "It Factor." He is a featured performer at Downtown Disney, Skypark at Santa's Village, The Magic Castle, and beyond!
He loves enthusiastically sharing the tech side of our art. Join Wacko as he teaches the good stuff just for you!
4:00 PM EST US
Jay Johnson Entertaining Ego

The Resident Guru of KAX, Jay, will make you think, reflect, and most importantly leave you inspired!
Friday February 5: Friday Night at KAX Conference hosted by Mark Daniel
7:00 PM EST US
A Visit with Greg Wilson
The Wilson Magical Legacy
and Beyond!
With his legendary dad, Mark, passing at 91, The Wilson's Magical Legacy is carrying forward with his son Greg Wilson.
Mark and Nani Wilson inspired legions of young performers, including your humble scribe, with their "Happy Magic".
What you may might not know about is the thousands of KIDshows and Family shows they presented live, in addition to their well known TV appearances. They were deep in the live performing trenches just like us.
Their son Greg is now a full time performer in the family tradition, and yes, KIDshows and family shows continue to be a staple.
Honoring the people that have contributed so much to our art is an important tradition at KAX, and this year we continue that, by honoring Mark.
Greg Wilson will help you get to know his Magical Family. I think you'll be surprised with the hardworking Wilsons. It's also cool to know how the magic and puppet world intersected seamlessly with them. Time Well Spent!

9:00 PM EST US
Special Zoom Event with your host:
Chad Jacobs aka Chef Bananas

Saturday February 6: KAX The Final Day
Your host for the day is Joe Selph

11:30 AM EST US
Ken Scott
1:00 PM EST US Bri Crabtree

Bri Crabtree with lovable impish charm is part ringmaster, part clown, and all kinds of fabulous!
Bri shares her process of creating through play and fusing it with solutions to virtual performance. Ideas, inspiration, and time well spent with Bri Crabtree!
2:30 PM EST US
Louie Foxx
Louie Foxx teaches you the ancient art of Shadowgraphy (aka hand shadow puppets)
Louie will not only teach hand positions, but will cover types of light sources, surfaces to project the shadows on and the light weight setup that Louie uses when he travels to shows.

4:00 PM EST US Max Fulham
From the UK, and for The First time at KAX, Rising Superstar Ventriloquist and Family Entertainer
Max Fulham!
Charming, charismatic, and fun, you'll thoroughly enjoy meeting and learning from Max in an interview/workshop forum.

Saturday February 6: The Saturday Gala
8:00 PM EST US
Featuring the Stars of KAX!
Join us for a fun evening of Laughs, Magic, Ventriloquism, and Fun. Your Co- Masters of Ceremonies for The Evening are Christopher T. Magician and Ken Scott.
Produced by Chris and Ken with an All Star Line-up.
This Special Zoom Presentation will originate from The To The Moon and Back Studios in Atlanta, GA.
Watch for your Zoom Link to The Gala coming on Saturday.