August 7-10, 2017
Pigeon Forge, TN
Watch as Surprises Unfold, and the Puzzle Pieces fill in on a living breathing piece of Art:
( The 2017 Schedule Coming Early 2017)
Come Early,
See The Shows!
Pigeon Forge is filled with a stunning selection of Shows and Attractions!
Optional Pre-Conference Amazing Stuff To Do!

Tuesday August 9 Optional WorkshopsOptional Biz Builders
6:00 PM Monday, August 8
David Kaye - Silly Billy
Optional KID Show Intensive
Creating A Show Kids Will Beg For!
Take your magic show from Good to Great! Learn how to use David’s philosophy of Interactions Per Minute to supercharge your routines, making them hilariously funny, interactive, and engaging. During the workshop we will use these techniques to create a brand new routine in just 10 minutes and you will see how easy this is to do.
Plus: Learn 33 ways to make your magic routines better, Learn how to change your routines depending on the ages of the children in the audience, Bring a video of yourself performing a trick and David will add jokes, interaction moments, and hooks to make your routine one that kids will demand to see. (time permitting)
Learn why Empowering The Children is the fastest way to a child’s brain and heart, Learn David’s creativity techniques so you can become a more creative magician.
Learn the five most important marketing techniques to increase your bookings, Learn unpublished routines from David’s repertoire.
Get free stuff for attending including, lecture notes, tricks and funny props. Plus time for Q&A.
This Intermediate to Advanced Class is a Small Group, 4 hour Intensive with David and is only $100.00.

Bruce Amato
Caviar Magic On A Fishstick Budget!
Learn how to create and make powerful magic effects for mere pennies on the dollar with materials that are easily obtainable from your local home improvement stores and office supply houses. With this workshop, you'll learn to bring out your creative side with some fun magic, all without breaking the bank!
Bruce's shares his Show Stopper Snake Box! Learn the dimensions, decorating techniques and some very cool routines for kids and family audiences! A blast to perform thats loaded with comedy!
Participate in a hands-on, super easy newspaper tear thats also easy to perform and that you'll love! Plus, it's a breeze to prepare!
A Very Cool Coloring Page Frame effect that is super easy to make and allows for you to give the picture away to the special kid that helps you in the routine!
Plus, the hidden secrets of dressing up a blah -looking prop and turning it into a gorgeous piece of magic. This technique will allow you to customize props for holiday, educational programs and general type programs! But the neat thing? You'll have a prop that nobody else has! And more!
Registration Opens 8:30 AM
Optional Pre-Conference Event
ShowSkills: The KIDabra How To Workshops
ShowSkills are a remarkable series of Workshops that harken back to the beloved KIDabra Breakouts. Designed for you to experience them all in depth, one at a time! Come be inspired, motivated, and enlightened to the possibilities of our performing/show world.
Be sure and add this Optional Workshop Event to your Registration.
And Save:
Specially Priced with a $25.00
Discount for
The 25th Anniversary!

A Remarkable First Time Event!

Your ShowSkills Host: Glenn Strange
10:30 AM
Gene Cordova
Combining Puppets and Magic
Kids LOVE Puppets – Kids LOVE Magic.
When you combine the two you have a sure fire winner. Gene will share great ideas and hilarious ways to perform magic using a puppet. For instance, imagine a magic trick combining different kinds of cereal (what kids doesn’t LOVE cereal?) and your puppet predicts the correct cereal EVERY time. This is just one of the fun routines you’ll learn.
Gene+Puppets+Magic= Awesome!

Lunch Choices Available in the Conference Center and around the area.
1:30 PM
Bubble Tech 2.0
Bubbles: whimsical, fun, and capable of far more than you think. A bubble show satisfies educators and parents by teaching the real-world science of air pressure, surface tension, shapes and much more, while wowing children with their surprising and unbelieva-bubble properties that allow you to stack, sculpt, penetrate and stretch bubbles in amazing ways.
Include Bubbles in your Show for:
Universal appeal: Equally impressive and enjoyable for a wide rage of ages, cultures and genders.
Can be done silently: I have a bubble show in English and French and could easily put together one in Spanish with minimal effort because so much of it can be done to music or silently.
Bubble shows are inexpensive to create, highly portable, and play big.
Bubble Tricks can be added to an existing show or be a show all on their own.
You'll Learn From This Workshop:
Bubble Science: A full explanation of the surprising science behind how bubbles work and ways to use that information to your advantage.
Tricks: An almost insane amount of cool bubble tricks and effect that you will have the chance to try out yourself.
An Exploration of Bubble Solutions: Try out a number of different solution mixes and see for yourself which you prefer for each type of effect
Thinking outside the bubble: How to create a bubble routine that will fit with your character and your show.
3:00 PM
Tim Harkleroad
Haunted House How To

Tuesday Evening, August 9th: KIDabra Conference Begins!
5:00 PM
Registration Opens

7:00 PM
The Special Welcome Ceremony
and then
The 22nd Annual Kid Show Magic Auction Auctioneered by Gary Shelton!
Our legendary auction with tons of great buys! (You must be registered for the convention to participate as a buyer or a seller.)
Auction info and guidelines here.
Wednesday, August 10
9:00 AM Welcome to KIDabra International Conference.
Registration Opens
Dealers Open
Your host for the day is Jim Austin

10:00 AM
Todd Neufeld
Man's Best Friend

11:00 AM
Sean Taylor
Sean travels up from "Down Under" to share No Fail Kid's Magic with you!

Lunch Choices Available in the Hotel and area.
1:30 PM
Autumn Morning Star
Ancient Stories and Other Well- Kept Secrets
Autumn presents her Live show with an invited group of kids in her First Ever KIDabra Appearance! Plus, learn from her lecture afterwards.
Autumn Morning Star combines her traditional Blackfeet and Choctaw stories with singing, flute playing, and dance; while illustrating her enchanting story vignettes with magic and illusion! Autumn is one of only fifty Native Americans profiled by the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of the American Indian.

3:00 PM
An Afternoon with Keith Fields
Join The Very Talented "Brit of Magic" for the World Premiere of If Ever Wiz There Was 2 of KIDshow bits, tricks, and routines!

5:30 PM
Wednesday Evening, August 10
7:00 PM
An Evening with
Samuel Patrick Smith

9:00 PM
Dealers Minute Show
followed by Reception in The Dealers Room!

The Legendary
Late Night Jam

Thursday, August 8
Thursday, August 8
Thursday, August 8
Thursday, August 11
8:00 AM WOW Senior Show Morning Jam
9:00 AM KIDabra International Conference Continues:
Registration Opens
Networking Time

Your Host for the Day is John Bobik
9:30 AM
Barry Mitchell
Be a Part of the Conspiracy!
JFK: The Lecture
Barry Mitchell’s classified files will be opened August 2016.
It’s JFK . . . Just For KIDabra.
For the 25th anniversary, Barry has created new magic and DIY projects never before seen. These secrets will not be revealed until KIDabra and the files will
ONLY BE AVAILABLE at KIDabra events.
Some talk about conspiracies, and some take part. This is your opportunity to be on the inside.
Be a part of the conspiracy!

10:30 AM
Max Howard
Unseen, since it originally aired from 1973-1975, The Emmy Award Winning TV show for Preschoolers: Max B. Nimble, was created and portrayed by Max Howard.
At KDabra you'll see not only the Award Winning episode and clips from the series, you''ll also get the inside story on this groundbreaking show for children from Max, with yours truly, asking lot's of questions.
Importantly this is a one time opportunity! Because of ownership rights the episodes will no be released to DVD or available on Youtube, nor will they be seen anywhere else!
This is Exclusive to you at KIDabra from Max!
Especially for The 25th Anniversary, come spend this amazing time with the remarkable Max Howard!
Lunch Choices Available in the Conference Center
1:30 PM
The Live Show with Christopher T. Magician and invited KIDs!
Plus Lecture After
A KIDabra
Highlight Event!

David Kaye
The Story of Children's Magic
How did we get here?
Where did we come from?
The Fascinating Story of Children's Magic, which is our story, comes to life in an entertaining, funny and informative seminar from the World's Leading Scholar on the topic.
Join David Kaye with this Very Special Presentation during KIDabra's 25th Anniversary!

5:30 PM
Thursday Evening, August 11
7:00 PM
The KIDabra DIY Sessions
Starring Your KIDabra Staff
The KIDabra DIY Sessions harken back to the much loved KIDabra Christmas, Halloween, Library, and Birthday Sessions of years past.
During the evening learn tricks, KIDshow routines, and tips of things that you can make yourself. It will be a fun, inspirational, and special night at KIDabra hosted by The DIY Magician himself Andrew Remnet!

10:30 PM
Late Night at KIDabra
Rob and Maggie Erdmann
Following on the heels of their Mind Blowing, Standing Ovation, First Lecture last August, wait until you see what they have in store for this year!
A KIDabra Conference Exclusive!

Friday, August 12
9:00 AM KIDabra International Conference
Registration and Dealer's Opens
Networking Time
Your Host for the Day is John Bobik
8:00 AM
Santa Morning Jam!
Calling all Santas, Mrs. Claus" and Elves
for a post breakfast visit.

Kleefeld Does Halloween!

KID Talks

Lunch Choices Available in the Conference Center and the Area
Ken Scott
Experience the Zen of Ken,
with ideas from his clever bin,
and rise above the din!

4:00 PM
Terry Evanswood
A Special Optional Private Performance at nearby Wonderworks just for the Attendees of KIDabra Celebrating Terry's 20th Anniversary in Pigeon Forge!
Ticket Info for Terry's Show: This Private performance is offered at a Specially Discounted price of only $9.99 for all seats.
Mention KIDabra when you call for tickets for Friday August 12, at 4:00 PM. Wonderworks Reservations 865-868-1800.
Celebrate Terry's 20th on our 25th!

Dinner out and about, but hurry back for The Gala :)
8:00 PM
The KIDabra Gala Show
Master of Ceremonies: Sammy Smith
Tickets avaialble at the door for friends and family. You're Registration badge is your ticket.
More Info Here